As you can gather from this report that over the years Khoja Asna Ashri Jamat of Hyderabad has enlarge its activities as it was necessitated over the on going the occasion. Rather it can be said that around development of our community, its religions causes, its property and pursuits has now harmonized into a multiple activities.
As the Khoja Jamat has been accepting priorities and recommendations to an extent which seemingly as attracted criticism and commends, for rather doing extra efforts. We the followers of Mohammed (SAW) and his Ahlebait (A.S.) we draw our strength from their teachings of cooperation, virtue tolerance and forgiveness. Every Muslim can create an opportunity for themselves to earn Allah (SWT) satisfaction through piety and practivse of religions teachings.
Now, with the development in our Jamat and also its activities there has been simultaneous increase in expenditures and causes of inflations hand in hand. The annual requirement of our Jamat is Rs Two Lakh fifty thousand. per annum to sustain the aforesaid activities in presence of such liabilities even a affluent body can also face excess of expenditure over income, hence, our Jamat is falling short of income.
In this regard the Khoaj Jamat of Hyderabad holds the necessary IJAZA.
While thanking you we look forward for the interaction benevolent seekers of Allah’s pleasure
With Kind Regards,